Just as it says in the title, this page is dedicated to books I've read. This will be actual novels, and not manga, so please be informed. I'll add further information for those two categories in the correct place. Also, please be aware that I read books which are often listed as troublesome in some way, either due to content or author; this is because I like to be informed about what is really in those books and not necessarily because I agree with the author/topic.

At present, this is an incomplete list!


  • The Stand

  • The Mist

  • It

  • Skeleton Crew

  • The Eyes of the Dragon

  • The Sun Dog

  • The Langoliers

  • Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan

  • Ranger's Apprentice: The Burning Bridge

  • Ranger's Apprentice: The Icebound Land

  • Ranger's Apprentice: The Battle for Skandia

  • Ranger's Apprentice: The Sorcerer in the North

  • Ranger's Apprentice: The Siege of Macindaw

  • Ranger's Apprentice: The Kings of Clonmel

  • Ranger's Apprentice: Halt's Peril

  • Ranger's Apprentice: The Emperor of Nihon-ja

  • Anne of Green Gables

  • Anne of Avonlea

  • Emily of New Moon

  • Emily Climbs

  • Emily's Quest

  • A Wrinkle in Time

  • A Wind in the Door

  • A Swiftly Tilting Planet

  • Many Waters

  • An Acceptable Time

  • And Both Were Young


  • 1984


  • Vampire Hunter D

  • Vampire Hunter D: Raiser of Gales

  • Vampire Hunter D: Demon Deathchase

  • Vampire Hunter D: Tale of the Dead Town

  • Vampire Hunter D: The Stuff of Dreams

  • Vampire Hunter D: Pilgrimage of the Sacred and the Profane

  • Vampire Hunter D: Mysterious Journey to the North Sea

  • Vampire Hunter D: The Rose Princess

  • Vampire Hunter D: Pale Fallen Angel

  • Vampire Hunter D: Twin-Shadowed Knight

  • Vampire Hunter D: Dark Road

  • Demon City Shinjuku